Chess for total beginners
From learning the moves, to checkmating, to tactics and strategy
Hi there! I'm Katie, and I've been playing chess since I was 4. I started competing in tournaments when I was 7, and at one point I was one of the top 100 women in the US. I haven't actively played since 2011, at which point my rating was 1850, but my love of chess still lingers and I think everyone should at least know how to play. This course goes beyond simply teaching how the pieces move. You'll build the foundation for continuing your chess career, if you so choose.
This course breaks down the game step-by-step, from teaching you the rules (how pieces move) to basic strategy (where to move your pieces) to how to improve (with practice positions and resources for learning more). If you watch all the videos and complete all the exercises, you’ll not only be able to play a game (the short-term goal); you’ll be able to continue learning and playing chess on your own. In a few weeks, you’ll probably be able to beat just about anyone off the street!
Besides instructional videos and exercises, this course also has interviews with the following amazing professional women chess players:
...with more coming soon!
A one-time purchase will give you lifetime access to all the new content in the course. Hope you enjoy!
Katie Kormanik
FREE PREVIEWInterview with WIM Karina Vazirova: Why learn chess?
Squares on the chess board
Write the name of the square
Chess pieces
Which piece is it?
Notating moves
Notate the move (white side)
Notate the move (black side)
Notating a game
Download notation sheets
FREE PREVIEWKnight moves
Bishop moves
Rook moves
Queen moves
Interview with WGM Jennifer Shahade: Why is the queen the most powerful piece?
King moves
Pawn moves
Calculate two moves ahead
Play a game vs. the computer!
What is checkmating?
FREE PREVIEWIs it checkmate?
Find checkmate (mate-in-one)
Find checkmate (mate-in-two)
Checkmate with a queen and a rook
Practice checkmating with a queen and a rook
Checkmate with two rooks
Practice checkmating with two rooks
Checkmate with a king and a queen
Practice checkmating with a king and a queen
Checkmate with a king and a rook
Practice checkmating with a king and a rook
Checkmate with a king and pawn
Practice checkmating with a king and pawn
Interview with WIM Karina Vazirova: How did you get good at chess?
Intro to openings
White opening: e4
Try e4
White opening: d4
White opening: d4
Try d4
Black opening: e4 e5
Try e4 e5
Black opening: e4 c5
Try e4 c5
Black opening: d4 d5
Text: Try d4 d5
Play a real game!
Interview with WGM Jennifer Shahade: How do strategy and tactics relate to real life?
Find the tactic
Practice tactics
Practice the endgame
Improve your tactics and strategy
Using chess engines for analysis
Interview with WIM Karina Vazirova: How can I get better at chess?
Resources and links